Nigel Foster's Sea Kayaking DVD Series 1 - 2

REI - Albuquerque
1550 Mercantile Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM, 87107
See map: Google Maps
Start Time: 
Monday, June 14, 2010 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Volume 1 - Getting Started: These fundamentals are everything you need to know to get started in the exciting sport of sea kayaking. World-renowned author and instructor Nigel Foster gives you the detailed information you need including the history of kayaking, boat selection, hull design, gear, clothing and safety equipment. Whether you are a seasoned paddler or just about to purchase your first boat, this DVD is packed full of information that will make you a better paddler.

Volume 2 - Essential Strokes:  Learn to paddle like a pro! Follow world-renowned author and instructor Nigel Foster through all the fundamental strokes you will need to begin controlling your kayak like a pro.  Join Nigel in a series of live on-water training sessions as he guides you through the basics and details of forward paddling, turning, moving sideways and backward. Learn the essential procedures and variations of how to rescue yourself in case you should overturn ad how to rescue another paddler.  This DVD is perfect for beginners, intermediate and seasoned paddlers who want to improve control of their boat, their safety level and paddling efficiency.

$0.00 Before Tax
HIGHLY recommend this course to anyone interested even in local overnight kayaking adventures! Totally loved it!!
Ele Radoslovich  -  Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, ABQ Health Partners
Great course, tons of information, practice. Marcel and Kelly are the perfect teaching duo, the Oliver and Stan of coastal waters techniques. Enjoyed sharing the experience with everyone who attended.
Zoe Krasney  -  Freelance writer & journalist


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