4th Wednesday "Happy Hour" @ Los Altos Pool

Los Altos Pool
10100 Lomas Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM, 87112
See map: Google Maps
Southwest corner of Lomas and Eubank behind the Skate Park, Garden Center, and Softball fields. Look for the large frosted-glass garage doors which enclose the pool.
Start Time: 
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Some call it "Kayak drop-in," "Albuquerque pool session" or "kayak roll session" - but we call it the "Wednesday night Pool Party", and for good reason;  this is bound to be the most fun you'll have all week!

Come join us for a variety of fun skills building games, socialization and to get a little extra time in the seat.  Each month will feature a different game or theme to keep things fun, fresh and entertaining! It may be "Indoor Pool Slalom" one month, Kayak Polo or Ultimate Kayak Frisbee, or some other skills-building event!

All skill levels welcome; Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced. 

The games we play help beginners learn the basics, while challenging advanced boaters to become more proficient. Everyone benefits from meeting like-minded paddlers and staying connected to the kayaking scene.

What to expect:

7:45 - 8pm; Arrive and unload gear
8:00 - 8:10; Sign in, pay entry/use fee, change clothes, enter pool
8:10 - 8:30; Warm-up and practice
8:30 - 9:50; Divide pool.  1/2 for games, 1/2 for recreational use
9:50 - 10pm; Pull swimming lanes back across pool, exit pool, exit building

NOTE - Summer hours (typically May 15 through August 15) start times are 30 minutes later. 

There is no formal instruction at these events, but private lessons are available upon request.


  • $8 "cover charge" per person (pool rental)
  • + $5 if you need a boat and gear
  • + $15 if you would like to demo a specific model.  Up to $50 in demo charges may be applied to the purchase of a new kayak if done within 30 days. 
  • 24hr advanced registration is required if you need a boat and gear
  • If you request a boat and gear, you must arrive by 7:45 to get your gear.  After 8pm, all unclaimed boats & gear will be locked down for security for the remainder of the night. No exceptions. 
  • Private instruction is available upon request; $35/hr, 2hr minimum, pre-paid. May include up to 2 people.
$8.00 Before Tax

Signups closed for this Event

I chose NMKI because of Kelly's professionalism and strong attention to detail.  I find this very important as it relates to safety.  I would never trust anyone other than Kelly to provide instruction to myself or for my 12 year old son, Navada.  We felt very safe and well guided under the direction of Kelly.  I would tell others if they ever hesitated to try kayaking, River Boarding or any kind of paddling to first take a course with Kelly and rest assured they will be in good hands.

Nina Perea
Wow, Kelly sure can cram a lot of information into two hours.  He answered every question I had and more. Thanks for a very informative two hours!
Nancy Bowers


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