Camp Rising Sun

Start Time: 
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - 9:00am - Wednesday, June 30, 2010 - 4:00pm

Camp Rising Sun was founded in 2006 by a group of parents and professionals who wanted a summer camp experience for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the state of New Mexico. In 2009, Camp Rising Sun became a part of the Autism programs at the University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability.

Residential camps are designed specifically for individuals with ASD between the ages of 8 and 13. An adolescent camp is provided for those individuals with ASD between the ages of 14 and 17.

Camp Rising Sun provides an inclusive summer camp environment that includes typically developing same-age peers.

Camp activities include swimming, hiking, sports, arts & crafts, games, kayaking, horseback riding, music, drama, campfires, hayrides, a ropes course, and friendship building activities.

$0.00 Before Tax
My girls were Brownies. From a leader perspective, I wanted to see something fun, and that would build confidence. This was one of our first real "outings" as a Girl Scout. I was looking for something "different", something with a sense of adventure/out of the ordinary (something they don't do everyday) but controlled and safe. I also wanted something a bit challenging - physically, but also something they hadn't done before, something that would build confidence. This really fit the bill perfectly. They didn't' want to get out of the pool!
Kathleen Tighe-Smith  -  Troop #10228, Brownies, Albuquerque, NM
I would wholeheartedly recommend this course. My girls had a blast and I thought the price was a bargain. My girls are young enough, so almost any activity is still "fresh" for them…they are up for about anything. The girls had a blast - they really enjoyed this.
Kathleen Tighe-Smith  -  Troop #10228, Brownies, Albuquerque, NM


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