River Playboating & Freestyle Clinic

Pilar Yacht Club
2884 Highway 68
Pilar, NM
See map: Google Maps
From Santa Fe, take Hwy 84/285 to Espanola. In Espanola, take Hwy 68 toward Taos. Continue through Embudo and Dixon along the river, into Pilar. Note the Rio Grande Visitor's Center on the right, and the Pilar Yacht Club on the left approximately 1/4 mile North of the Visitor's Center.
Start Time: 
Saturday, July 9, 2011 - 9:00am - Sunday, July 10, 2011 - 5:00pm

“Play-boating is arguably the best and fastest way to become stronger, more confident, more flexible and more comfortable paddler. I like to think of play-boating like visiting the gym; we workout at the gym to become stronger and faster in order to be better prepared for the field, mountain or trail. Play-boating works in much the same way.  Explosive bursts of efficient and athletic paddling, equals better control, which equals more fun. Yes Fun, the reason we are all out here in the first place.”   Marcel Bieg - ACA Level IV Whitewater Kayak Instructor Trainer & sponsored athlete

(Level 4) The ACA River Play Kayak Course is a two-day (16 hour) program emphasizing safety, enjoyment and skill acquisition for entry-level through intermediate individuals in public, private and commercial settings. Instruction takes place on flatwater and rivers up to Class II-III whitewater.

The course will focus on the basics of play boating in a park/play and down river setting. Participants will need to have a kayak designed for river play or play boat and have a reasonably reliable roll in class II water. Specific skills will focus on surfing, hole riding and all modern day play moves to elevate all aspects of boat control and kayaking skill.

"The freestyle class taught by Marcel was fantastic! It was a wonderful opportunity to refine current skills and develop a whole set of new ones. Marcel's instruction was very individualized to the needs of each student. I highly recommend this class for anyone wanting to improve their whitewater skill set, even if they do not have an interest in playboating. If you do have an interest in playboating, Marcel presents a great foundation of exercises for both flatwater and whitewater. Pool time is significantly more fun, I've become reacquainted with a whole new group of muscles, and my paddling has improved as a result of this class. Thank you Marcel!"  Christine Mollo, Albuquerque, NM

In this course, you'll learn:

  • The 10 Commandments of Freestyle Kayaking
  • 6 Drills to refine your pool roll into a reliable combat roll
  • 5 Tricks to help you fully "commit" to aggressive and effortless vertical moves

"The freestyle class taught by Marcel Bieg was awesome.  Marcel teaches to an individual's level of competence.  I'm far more comfortable doing "combat" rolls and practicing stern squirts.  Marcel also taught us various exercises to do on flat water (in the pool or otherwise) to help us perform play boating moves in current.  It's a great class and I'm really excited to take another one again."  Jane Bales, Albuquerque, NM

$250.00 Before Tax
An $80 non-refundable deposit is needed to reserve your spot in class. Classes are booked on a first-paid, first-reserved basis, so send in your deposit today!

My learning curve has been exponential. I never imagined I would learn this much, so fast!

Chuck Washington  -  Resident MD, UNMH


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