Whitewater Kayaking Made Easy - A FREE clinic at REI

REI - Santa Fe
500 Market Street, Ste 100
Santa Fe, NM, 87501
See map: Google Maps
Start Time: 
Thursday, August 18, 2011 - 5:30pm - 7:30pm

"Whitewater 101 - Getting Started in Whitewater Kayaking"

Whitewater Kayaking is a strategic game that anyone can play -- once they learn the rules.  This FREE 2hr class will introduce you to the types of equipment, maneuvers and concepts to help you be more successful whitewater kayaking.

Do you love skiing, climbing or mountain biking, and want a fun activity to round out your seasons?  Do you find yourself traveling to Taos, Durango, Moab or Colorado for weekend adventures and want to experience these fun locations in a new way?  Have you ever been whitewater rafting and seen the kayakers having all the fun?  If so, you may love whitewater kayaking and not know it yet. 

Whitewater kayaking is a strategic game that anyone can play, once they learn the rules.  It has nothing to do with age, adrenaline, appetite for adventure, physique or endurance, and more to do with understanding a few simple laws of physics, that help you read the river, paddle your boat efficiently and time the placement of your strokes for speed, power and stability.

This FREE 2 hour course starts off with an overview of the American Whitewater Safety Code and the International Scale of River Difficulty to frame the types of boats you'll need to use to be successful in whitewater kayaking, the hydraulic features you'll find on whitewater rivers and how you'll work with them, as well as the maneuvers needed at each level for class 1, 2 and 3 rapids. 

When you think about it, the river is full of energy; every ripple, wave, hole or current is a form of energy we can use to our advantage.  Even rocks can be used to carry speed through a turn ('deflection'), allow us to pause mid-stream, and perform fun river-play "tricks" as we paddle downriver.  By applying a few simple laws of physics, you can easily break complex rapids down into a series of easy moves.  

$0.00 Before Tax
This clinic introduced me to the essential strokes, and the situations in which to apply them, including understanding which stroke would be efficient for the objective.  I learned so many things that I never knew about Kayaking.  I also enjoyed the introduction to assisted rescue.  Kelly, the instructor, gave some excellent tips on how to tkae what we learned, into a pool session or other practice, and challenge yourself with each basic skill.
Lance Johnson  -  Bradley Alpinist, LLC
Very informative class.  Just the ticket to lay the foundation for starting out in kayaking.
Todd Gates

Frequently Asked Questions

The Intro to Kayak clinic is the foundation for everything I teach. It's a required prerequisite for the 2-day Whitewater Weekend clinics and the 2-day Touring Kayak Weekend clinics. The Kayak Roll is a good next step after the Intro to Kayak clinic, although not a requirement for the Whitewater or Touring Kayak Weekend clinics.

While learning to roll is a good skill, it's not the best place to start.  Rolling is a defensive measure.  Good boat control, judgement and an accurate assessment of your skills will keep you from rolling most of the time. 

You'll learn boat control in the Intro to Kayak and subsequent clinics. Those who complete the Intro to Kayak class have a much higher success rate in the Kayak Roll clinic.  A few hours in the boat learning to do smooth and controlled wet exits from a skirted kayak will be money well spent.  If you've spent little or no time in a decked kayak, your mind will simply be too distracted by flipping over and getting out to learn the Kayak Roll.


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