Kayak Pool Party for persons impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Autism Programs at UNM's Center for Development & Disability has partnered with New Mexico Kayak Instruction, a service provider at Camp Rising Sun, to offer two unique "Kayak Pool Parties" for all persons impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Kayaking is the perfect low-impact recreational, social and physical activity the whole family can enjoy together.  Come and observe, or come and join in the fun.

March 26th, 9 - 11am, Rio Grande Indoor Pool
April 23rd, 9 - 11am, Rio Grande Indoor Pool

Benefits include:

My history with water has been very negative.  When I was a kid, I almost drowned.  Since then, I've found myself avoiding situations where I felt vulnerable to dangerous waters.  Since my courses with Kelly, I have gained both confidence and necessary knowledge that allows me to finally enjoy the water again.  Never would I have thought I would be going down class III whitewater rapids on a boogie board.  Thank you Kelly.  You have peaked my interest in taking more whitewater courses.
Nina Perea
Kelly is a great instructor. If you live in the Albuquerque area and want to learn kayaking, attend one of Kelly's classes.
Mark Nissan

Kayak Pool Party for persons impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Autism Programs at UNM's Center for Development & Disability has partnered with New Mexico Kayak Instruction, a service provider at Camp Rising Sun, to offer two unique "Kayak Pool Parties" for all persons impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Kayaking is the perfect low-impact recreational, social and physical activity the whole family can enjoy together.  Come and observe, or come and join in the fun.

March 26th, 9 - 11am, Rio Grande Indoor Pool
April 23rd, 9 - 11am, Rio Grande Indoor Pool

Benefits include:

I took Kelly's Intro to Kayaking class and an individual Roll class. Kelly was great.  He is a very gracious teacher, always trying to individualize his teaching to each student.  I learned how to roll and hand-roll in one Roll Class session.  He is very personable and he was accommodating to my busy schedule.   Additionally, his passion for kayaking really shows.  I look forward to kayaking with him in the future.
Chuck Washington  -  Resident MD, UNM Hospital
Very informative class.  Just the ticket to lay the foundation for starting out in kayaking.
Todd Gates

This class is offered in conjunction with UNM's Health Science Center and The Autism Programs to allow young adults, 16 years old and over, to participate in a 6wk kayak instruction program. Not only will these individuals and their caregivers and peers learn to kayak, they'll also work on balance and agility skills, eye/hand coordination, social and team-building skills and will help them prepare for outdoor adventures with their families and caregivers.

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