Kayak Instruction

Whitewater Progression Course Session One August

Addition dates, August 9, 2016, August 10, 2016, August 13, 2016, August16, 20016

I have to say, Kelly covered EVERYTHING!  I've taken this weekend class twice to absorb everything that goes into whitewater kayaking.  Since my class, I've paddled on class III whitewater and felt like I had a great sense of what [maneuvers, compound strokes or techniques] to do, when to do it, how to do it, and why to do it!   What Kelly teaches would be pretty much impossible for a self-taught paddler to figure out alone.  I feel safer, and more confident each time I'm on the river with a foundation of strokes and concepts to practice outside of class, and most importantly, I feel in control on the water.
Bob Pennington  -  home-builder

I am impressed with organization and professionalism of Kelly's operation.  The teaching methods are good and are reassuring to the extent they convey that the ability to kayak is within the reach for just about anybody (including not-so-young people like me!)

Betsy Glenn

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Late Spring Round Up

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